samedi 13 décembre 2014

"Economic gap" widening in the United States

 الفجوة الاقتصادية , البيض والأقليات , الولايات المتحدة , الاقتصاد الأميركي

A study, prepared by the "Bio" center to polls, that the economic recovery in the United States has been uneven among ethnicities.

The study, which was published on Friday, that the economic gap between white and minority households widened.

The wealth "white" families of the largest three-fold from the families of "black" in 2013, as opposed to 8-fold in 2010.

As wealth was "white" families tenfold with Hispanic families, in excess of nine times in 2010.

Researchers in the "Bio", who analyzed data from a survey of the Federal Reserve Board on the financial conditions of consumers reached, the gap between whites and blacks, and reached the highest level since 1989.

The rate of wealth between whites and Latinos are at a level not achieved since 2001.

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