mardi 2 décembre 2014

No agreement between Washington and Ankara on the no-fly zone in Syria

The US State Department has announced that there are still differences with Turkey on the Syrian file, and it has not decided whether to apply any kind of no-fly zones.
A spokeswoman for the US State Department spokesman on Monday, said the United States was looking diligently with a number of proposals on Turkey's border with Syria's security, including a possible flight or safe area zone. She added that officials are not ready to implement a specific plan.
She spokeswoman Jane Sacchi, saying that there were differences with Ankara on how to secure the border with Syria. She Sake in daily Speaking to reporters, "were continuing talks on a number of proposals put forward by Turkey and has taken many forms, but there are still differences, and we did not make a decision on a specific path for implementation."
Trade-off between Daash and Lion Air
This comes at a time when the newspaper "Wall Street Journal" published an investigation Monday talking about the Turkish-American agreement is imminent, includes some sort of trade-off between the two parties. The agreement includes according to the newspaper open Turkish bases in front of Washington and Ankara's involvement in the fight against extremists, D, vs. prevent the system from warplanes fly over a safe zone for Syrian refugees, as fighters of the moderate opposition.
The newspaper said, citing US officials and the Turks that the agreement may include the establishment of a safe zone along the strip from the Syrian border to protect refugees and certain opposition forces will also be "prohibited" on belonging to the government of President Bashar al-Assad aircraft.
It would allow the United States and its allies to use Turkish air bases that allows Allied foothold new feet can be released from continuous strikes on Daash fighters. The newspaper report said that Turkey has agreed to allow two thousand opposition fighters training within its borders, and they sent a private Turkish troops to Iraq to train Kurdish Peshmerga fighters.
The agreement represents a potential narrowing of the differences between the two sides in the United States and allied continue with launching strikes on Daash lacuna in Syria and Iraq fighters. The report said that a far cry from the idea of a broader formal agreement includes the establishment of a "ban fly zone agreement," the Turkish officials had asked him to cover a wider area of northern Syria.
He added that the establishment of a safe zone on the Turkish-Syrian border will contribute to the protection of the opposition fighters who are receiving training in Syria as well as the protection of the opposition supply lines.
Veiled warning to Assad
The report said that according to the agreement, the coalition forces led by the United States "may send a veiled warning to the Assad regime to keep away from the area or risk retaliatory response."
It is noteworthy that this report comes after a visit by Joe Biden, US Vice President to Turkey last week to narrow differences on the fight Daash fighters who have declared succession in the areas they had seized control of them in Syria and Iraq.
In addition, the newspaper said that officials think Turks in Ankara in the activation of the right of self-defense, which is guaranteed by the Charter of the United Nations to justify the use of its bases. And went on to say that it may allow other allies of NATO members to join the fight Daash fighters.

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