samedi 29 novembre 2014

Al-Qaeda claims Implementation of bombings of America's embassy in Sanaa

Confirmed al-Qaeda in Yemen, in a move the American Center for Islamic control sites "Cite", that carried out bombings on Thursday evening near the US embassy in Sanaa.
He explained, "Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula" in the letter, which was placed on the "Ansar al-Sharia News" account in the site "Twitter", that his fighters have put two explosive devices, provided one of them by shrapnel shells, at the northern entrance of the US Embassy and they detonated remotely on Thursday evening.
US embassy in Sanaa did not comment on the letter.
The al-Qaeda in Yemen occur early November for the assassination of the current US ambassador Matthew Tauler attempt.
Then confirmed that the two bombs planted at the entrance to the headquarters of the Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi during a meeting with the US ambassador, was "exposed minutes before the explosion."

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