mardi 16 décembre 2014

About Taliban ...

Movement emerged in the early nineties of the last century
Taliban armed Islamic movement proved to be a formidable fighting force in Afghanistan and the serious threat to the government.
The Taliban also threatened to destabilize Pakistan, where controlled areas in the north west of the country, accused of responsibility for the implementation of a wave of suicide bombings and other attacks.
Sees many observers now that peace can not be achieved in the future in Afghanistan without the Kabul government to negotiate with the Taliban.
He said the Taliban announced plans to open an office in Qatar in June 2013, is a positive step in the negotiations, but the absence of trust between the two sides is still large.
In early 2012, the high hopes held to conduct peace talks before the Taliban in Afghanistan declares in a strongly worded statement in March / March of the same year suspension of preliminary peace negotiations with the United States.
The rule of law
The Taliban emerged in the early nineties of the last century, northern Pakistan, following the withdrawal of former Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
The Taliban emerged as a star, and more elements of the Pashtuns, in Afghanistan in the fall of 1994.
It is believed widely that the Taliban began to emerge for the first time through the seminary, which is funded mostly from Saudi Arabia, which adopts a religiously conservative approach.
She promised the Taliban, which are found in the Pashtun areas scattered in Pakistan and Afghanistan, bringing peace and security and strict application of the law once it reaches of power.
In both countries, the Taliban sanctions applied in accordance with the law, such as public executions for those convicted of murder or perpetrators of crimes of adultery or amputation of the hands of those found guilty of theft.
Taliban accused the late leader bin Laden is

 responsible for the attacks of September
And ordered the men to launch the movement to grow beards and women to wear the veil.
The Taliban banned watching TV, listening to music and clubbing cinemas, and refused to go girls from the age of ten to school.
Pakistan has repeatedly denied that it is established the Taliban, but there is not much doubt that many Afghans who initially joined the ranks of the movement, have been educated in religious seminaries in Pakistan.
Pakistan was also one of only three countries, in addition to Saudi Arabia, UAE, recognized the Taliban when they came to power in Afghanistan from the mid-nineties to 2001.
Pakistan was the last country to cut diplomatic ties with the Taliban.
Although Pakistan has adopted a sharper approach in recent years against the Taliban militants who carry out attacks on its territory, the Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who was elected in May / May last, confirmed that negotiations with the militants is one of the priorities.
In the past few months, killing at least three of the most prominent leaders of the Pakistani Taliban in raids by US drones, including Mullah Nazir, who was killed in January and the Crown Rahman, who died in May / May.
In November 2013, reported killed Taliban leader in Pakistan, Hakimullah Mehsud, in an air strike as well.
But despite these blows received by the insurgents, there is evidence that their influence in Karachi has increased dramatically.
The attack, which could be said to have raised the largest amount of international criticism of the Taliban in October / October 2012, when he attacked the home of the student movement Mlala Yusufzai in the town of Mingora.
Al Qaeda haven
Caused the 2001 attacks in the invasion that toppled

 the Taliban in Afghanistan
The Taliban entered Afghanistan in focus the world's attention after the atheist of September / September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in the United States.
And accused the movement to providing a safe haven in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda leader the late Osama bin Laden and members of the organization who have been accused of responsibility for the attacks.Shortly after the attacks of September, invasion toppled the US-led coalition ousted the Taliban from power in Afghanistan, but has not been the arrest of the movement's leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar.The Taliban emerged again during the past few years in Afghanistan and grew until it became more powerful in Pakistan, and observers say that there is no tight coordination between militant groups and factions of the Taliban.It was Hakimullah Mehsud, the leader of the main branch of the Taliban in Pakistan, blamed on his movement, known as the Pakistani Taliban, in relation to the implementation of dozens of suicide bombings and other attacks.Observers have warned of an exaggeration to refer to the existence of a united front against the insurgency of the Pakistani state.And still believe that the Taliban in Afghanistan under the command of Mullah Omar, the cleric who has lost one eye during a fight with the Soviet Union's occupation forces in the eighties of the last century.The Afghans, who felt concerned about the increasing numbers of Mujahideen excessive and infighting in the wake of the expulsion of the Soviets, the Taliban have generally welcomed when he appeared on the scene for the first time.First their popularity has grown significantly as a result of what they have achieved success in the eradication of corruption, and the reduction of lawlessness, and make roads and areas under their control safe for the flourishing trade.US attackAnd quickly spread of Taliban influence southwest Afghanistan, and captured the province of Herat, which limits Iran in September / September 1995.After exactly a year, captured the Afghan capital, Kabul, after overthrowing the rule of President Burhanuddin Rabbani and his defense minister, Ahmad Shah Massoud system.By 1998, they had taken control of about 90 percent of Afghanistan.They were charged with violations of human rights and culture, and was the most prominent example of this in 2001 when the Taliban destroyed the Buddha statues in Bamiyan in central Afghanistan despite an international outcry against it.On the seventh of October / October 2001, the coalition forces led by the United States invaded Afghanistan. By the first week of December / December collapse of the Taliban regime.And managed to Mullah Omar and his colleagues fled. Generally believed to have taken refuge in the Pakistani city of Quetta, which were sending them Taliban.But Islamabad has denied the existence of what is known as the "Quetta Shura".In spite of the presence of the largest-ever number of foreign troops in the country's history, the Taliban has been able to expand its influence steadily making vast tracts of Afghanistan is safe and violence in the country returned to levels not seen since 2001.The retreat earlier in the past decade to reduce the human and material losses and return the spirit of revenge.There have been many attacks by the Taliban on Kabul during the past two years, also carried out in September / September 2012, a major raid on Camp Bastion base of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).In the same month, the US military handed over Afghan authorities overseeing the controversial Bagram prison, which houses more than three thousand fighters from the Taliban and suspected terrorists.During the past few years, as well as increased adoption of the Taliban to detonate explosive devices on the roadside as a way to fight against NATO and Afghan forces.It is difficult to determine the number of people killed in those attacks, to be exact, but the Afghan Interior Ministry says the Taliban is responsible for killing more than 1,800 of the Afghan national police force in 2012.About 800 Afghan National Army soldiers were also killed in the bombing of roadside bombs during the same period, according to estimates.
source: bbc Arabic


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