mercredi 17 décembre 2014

Colds: What are the methods of treatment feasible?

Brown paper cover your chest, or the use of vinegar, or soak your feet in hot water, or wear wet socks; these old treatments for colds can look funny from the viewpoint of modern medicine.
However, the benefits are highly visible to many of those treatments that we take for granted today, such as intake of vitamins or swallow salt water once all evaporate into the air when carefully examined. So what works and what does not work, which of these treatments?Check the website "BBC Future" some of the existing evidence in an attempt to get to the answer.Not too much intake of vitamin C (but ANZ doses of zinc).Michael Alan says University of Alberta in Canada, who checked in for months of evidence types of treatment: "The first thing tempted a lot of people is to resort to vitamin C, and vitamin D supplements along with what they eat food from the food."
Watch out for the various herbs treatments

But the appalling evidence for these, it handled vitamin C proved to be slightly protects those who are subjected to physical pressure as big as participants in the competitions enemy of the disease, but for the average person, it reduces the risk of the disease by only three percent.
Alan says: "If an adult were injured cold twice a year, it avoids colds once every 15 years."
He also says that the food aids from zinc have more established effect, after three clinical trials show that children who eat zinc in the form of nutrients regularly complementary suffering from the common cold to a lesser extent, at the rate of visits to almost one and half times per year on average, compared to about six to eight times per usual for their peers.
There is also some evidence that zinc reduces the common cold by a day or so. Given that zinc taste is sharp and likable, and you have to eat throughout the year in order to get the full benefit, the Alan is unsure whether he can be recommended for general use.
Do not take antibiotics but diluted eating cereal for colds
Alan says to put it very clearly and boldly, there is no reason to believe that antibiotics help, they are targeting the bacteria, while that causes cold virus, hence there is no point in any antibiotics in this context.
Antibiotics target bacteria and not Elvirhs which causes cold.
Alan adds that antibiotics increase the risk of adverse side effects such as diarrhea, and antihistamines with a sedative used to treat stuffy nose or pain relievers help relieve the symptoms of some of the most harassed for adults (no children).
But even in this case, the benefits are often modest, and may vary among people and also vary depending on the specific types of infections that suffer from it, as he says now.
Eating a spoonful of honey (but watch out for the other herbal treatments)
Herbal remedies, in general, such as Alahnasaa or garlic pills fail to make a good impact and desired. The only promising treatment here is the honey bee. And eat a spoonful of honey before bedtime, as proven, ease of cough as stated in three different studies.
It also proved to be better than the sugary drinks and drinks cough. This treatment has been tested on children (although one study indicated that a mixture of honey and coffee can help to get rid of persistent cough in adults), and this mechanism is far from conclusive evidence, but in the presence of good research-supported, it is logical and reasonable experience .
What about alcohol?
Maybe look to drink (alcohol) as a kind of self-punishment, the common conventional wisdom is that the night overdo it in the drink weaken the body's defenses and make you vulnerable to attack viruses. These doctors have not studied the issue extensively yet, but the three independent studies have indicated that people who drink regularly but moderately may be less likely in fact to a cold.
Eat a tablespoon of honey before bedtime relieve cough.
It seems that the type of drink that covered the person has entered into it, Valenbiv example, can help, but not beer. However, these are just preliminary evidence and should be considered preliminary matter to a reasonable degree of uncertainty, but this evidence suggests at least you do not blame your suffering in the self-indulgence in pleasures.
Finally, ask some sympathy and consolation
People who surround you may decide how fast your recovery, and patients who say they feel deep integration with their doctor recovering from illness faster. It is the impact can be seen in their conversations about the symptoms and are more objective measurements of immune activity have.
It is not known clearly that the same applies to the people closest to you, but in the absence of a miracle cure is little sympathy for the requirement is not a lot, and perhaps provides solace if other treatments have failed.
There are a lot of other questions that can be examined and explored through further research. When traveling, for example, is it better to leave the windows open to take out all the germs even if it means that everyone shivering from the cold?
Such questions are difficult to study them scientifically and accurately, but now says that the best behaved so far is to use common sense and intuition - Wash your hands regularly and did not participate drinks with infected people.
This may not be the panacea we are waiting for all of us, but sometimes the simplest solution is the most effective.

From : bbc arabic

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