samedi 6 décembre 2014

The death of the American hostage in Yemen during the editing process

الصحفي الأميركي لوك سومرز  يحتجزه تنظيم القاعدة في جزيرة العرب منذ سبتمبر/أيلول عام 2013 باليمن (أسوشيتد برس)
American journalist Luke Summers held by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula since September / September 2013, Yemen (AP)
US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced that the American journalist Luke Summers, who today announced the liberation of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula by Yemeni American joint force had been killed during the rescue operation.
Hegel said, hours after the announcement of the liberation Summers said his captors of al Qaeda killed during a rescue attempt, he and another hostage is American, other sources said it was from South Africa.
The Yemeni Ministry of Defense today announced the liberalization of the American journalist (33 years), who was being held by al-Qaeda since the September / September 2013 and the killing of ten of the organization during a military operation carried out by US military force joint Yemeni province of Shabwa in the south east of the country.
A senior Yemeni official told Agence France-Presse killed Somers during editing process, and said, "I have killed the hostage Summers" during the operation. "He added," Unfortunately, the hostage was killed by the soldiers that the participants in the process up to him. "
There were conflicting reports earlier about the fate of Somers between death or injury only.
The military, tribal and Yemeni security sources confirmed that the aircraft is believed to be an American drone carried out raids on the sites of the organization and then began the process of landing, which ended with the liberalization of the hostage and killed ten of the al-Qaeda elements. According to a security source, one of the dead al-Qaeda four brothers. As the gunfire, witnesses for explosions occur during the editing process of the American press.
The operation comes in Shabwa province after almost a week of a similar operation in Hadramout province southeast of Yemen targeted free hostages including Summers.
She stressed the Pentagon first on Thursday that US force Yamina carried out a joint operation in Hadramout to free hostages, and said that Summers was not among them. Killed during the operation, members of al-Qaeda, according to US and Yemeni sources, it was not clear who the hostages were freed.
The organization was first published on Thursday released a videotape in which the American journalist appeared Luke Somers (33 years), as the leader of al-Qaeda Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, who read out a statement gave the United States three days to meet the demands unspecified, otherwise subjected to kill the hostage appeared in it.
Summers family appealed to his captors in a video released tape, saying that it does not take responsibility for what the US administration

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