lundi 22 décembre 2014

Sister of the King of Spain is facing trial in the tax fraud charge

A judge in the trial of Princess Cristina of Spain, the sister of King, on charges of tax fraud. The charges came under investigation in commercial transactions for a pair Princess, Inaki Oordangaren. He accused the husband of Princess participating in the embezzlement of millions of public funds the company of another business partner. This is the first time that a royal family members will enter the dock. Previously, the princess and her...

IMF policies "played a role in the spread of Ebola" in West Africa

Researchers in Britain said the measures on the reduction of public spending called for by the International Monetary Fund, may have contributed to the rapid spread of the Ebola virus in three countries in West Africa region. The researchers added that these economic measures have led to "a lack of funding and inadequate staff and the inability of health systems to respond to emergencies" in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. But the IMF denied the...

mercredi 17 décembre 2014

Colds: What are the methods of treatment feasible?

Brown paper cover your chest, or the use of vinegar, or soak your feet in hot water, or wear wet socks; these old treatments for colds can look funny from the viewpoint of modern medicine. However, the benefits are highly visible to many of those treatments that we take for granted today, such as intake of vitamins or swallow salt water once all evaporate into the air when carefully examined. So what works and what does not work, which of these...

Obama signed new sanctions on Russia and Kerry waving lifting conditions

The White House announced the intention of US President Barack Obama signing a bill that allows for the imposition of new sanctions on Russia, while Foreign Minister John Kerry waved the possibility of lifting the sanctions provided that Moscow take "the right choices." This comes at a time when the Russian currency continued (Ruble) to fall, as the dollar has become equal to 80 rubles and euro 100 rubles. Said White House spokesman Josh Ernest...

A draft resolution "to end the Israeli occupation," before the Security Council

Jordan provides, on behalf of the Palestinians, on Wednesday a draft resolution to the Security Council demanded an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank within a specified time limit, as stated by the Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki. Maliki said that the vote on the draft resolution had been postponed while being negotiated amendments can enter a formula of the draft resolution. The draft text of the resolution in the current...

mardi 16 décembre 2014

Learn new spy device of the invention of the US Navy

There is no doubt that the means of espionage is still constantly evolving day after day, and perhaps the most important way to success in this area is to draw inspiration from nature, and it is exactly the focus of the US Navy engineers in their design for a new device espionage work underwater. The US Navy has already begun during these days set of experiments on a new spy device is a robot diver in the form of a fish named "Ghost Swimmer" or...

AutoMath: a new application for the Android system to solve mathematical equations using a camera phone

In a previous article I talked about a wonderful application named PhotoMath solve mathematical equations through the use of a camera phone, but unfortunately the application is available only for phones iPhone, although the developers have promised to launch a copy of the system Android in 2015. But if you do not like to wait, and you want to apply a similar experience his phone now you can do so through the application AutoMath. AutoMath: a new...

البرنامج الانتخابي الباجي قائد السبسي: "هذا على ما هو عليه!"

هذا هو مباشرة النهائي. هو عليه، وبعبارة أخرى،  الأسبوع! قبل خمسة أيام فقط من نهاية الحملة الانتخابية للجولة الثانية من تونس الرئاسي ويعبر روبيكون برئاسة رئيس جديد. ومعارضي اثنين في هذا مطية لرئاسة بعيدة كل البعد عن المشاحنات. مبارزة أكثر جرأة مما يبدو على الأقل! تشارك في سباق الفئران الحقيقي في الناخبين، الباجي قائد السبسي، مرشح حزب تأهلت جلبت نداء الألحان معا الاثنين 15 ديسمبر، 2014، جمهور من الصحفيين والسياسات فاتورة عالية، مما ضده قدم برنامجه...